Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on DEVELOPING A TEACHER ADVISORY UNIT. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper discusses the importance of developing a teacher advisory program unit that focuses on community service and collaborative learning and gives some tips of what to consider when developing a unit of this type. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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8 pages (~225 words per page)
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the textbooks. It is for this reason that we propose to develop a specialized teachers advisory education unit that focuses on the topic of substance abuse and drug and alcohol
awareness. In doing this, it is hoped that classroom goals and the real world can be tied together to benefit students and the communities in which they live.
While developing an advisory unit how, exactly, does one add even more necessary research and paperwork to an already burgeoning curriculum of both teachers
and students (From Theory to Practice: Creating A Optimal Learning Environment)? This is the question that impacts many faculty (From Theory to Practice: Creating A Optimal Learning Environment). Students are
loaded down with school work and after-school activities. Teachers, on the other hand, already have enough on their plates - the last thing many of them have time for is
to plan and coordinate a community service unit. However, with the right ingredients in place, such a unit can be - and
should be - successfully developed. After all, except for the family, school is the main institution that influences close to every child in society (Mitchell and Mulligan 34). Incidentally, the
family is also considered an extremely valuable component in the substance abuse awareness unit being developed in this paper. In the article
"Family Violence Prevention and Curriculum Development," authors Donna Mitchell and Suzanne Mulligan note that the "time that children spend in school is recognized . . . as that which needs
to be spent on violence prevention curriculum and experiences" (Mitchell and Mulligan 34). However, it isnt always easy to just go