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A 3 page research paper that discusses Czech immigrant to the US in relation to the topic of nursing cultural competency. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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knowledge in practice" (Jirwe, Gerrish and Emami, 2006, p. 6). The American Academy of Nursing (AAN) associates the following factors with nurses achieving cultural sensitivity and competency in fulfilling the
needs ethnically diverse patient populations: 1. Self-awareness of ones own cultural orientation; 2. Awareness of commonalities among different cultures; 3. Examination of stereotypes and their formation; and 4.
Identification of strategies to deal with diversity issues in clinical practice (Campbell-Heider, et al, 2006, p. 24). Lack of "knowledge of different cultures" has been identified a significant
contributing factor in regards to "inadequate care provision" (Toofany, 2006, p. 14). With the goals of providing cultural competent care in mind, the following discussion examines the culture of Americans
of Czech extraction. In evaluating the health needs of first and second generation Czech immigrants in the US, it is salient to note that lung cancer is the "only
disease area where health indicators for the Czech Republic are poor in relation to" the surround reference countries (Who, 2001, p. 9). Nutritional habits derive from both cultural tradition and
the realities of food production in a specific region. Historically, countries in northern Europe have a "high availability of saturated fat and a low availability of fruit and vegetables" (WHO,
2001, p. 24). While the ancestors of many Americans of Czech extraction came to the US in the eighteenth or nineteenth centuries, in some areas, Czech languages and customs
are still practiced. For example, the Bohemian Czechs of Minnesota "use the (Bohemian) language, produce and enjoy the music, sing at Czech funerals, prepare the foods and use down pillows
and comforters" (Minnesota Czech, n.d.). The polka originated in Bohemia and music is an integral part of this cultural heritage. However, it should not be assumed that all Czechs share