Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Customer Loyalty in the Hospitality Industry - Part 2. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 8 page paper is a literary review for assessing the way in which loyalty is gained in the hospitality industry and the potential with particular attention to the use of strategic alliances in loyalty programs. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
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in which research will address the issues that may be subjective and assess the way in which they may be measured with research. The paper is written in a way
that the contents could be used to add to an existing outline paper. It has been noted that the hospitality industry is highly competitive, with the need for firms
to keep existing customers or order to gain repeat business as well as attract new customers. In this context the ability to create or stimulate loyalty in customers is very
valuable. However, to examine how loyalty marketing may be of value it is necessary to define the concept of loyalty, as this is a fuzzy concept. Oliver (1997), gives a
good definition, stating loyalty is "a deeply held commitment to rebuy or repatronize a preferred product/service consistently in the future thereby causes repetitive same brand or same brand set
purchasing, despite situational influences and marketing efforts having the potential to cause switching behaviour" (Oliver, 1997; 392). Within this there are subjective aspects, for example, the purchase
of a hotel room by a business traveller compared to a leisure traveller will have a very different level of frequency and as such loyalty may not be measured by
frequency of purchase in some goods and services. Therefore the measures of loyalty are variant depending not only on the type of product but also on the type of customer.
Oliver (1997) takes the idea of loyalty and explains it further, arguing that loyalty occurs when a customer re-buys the product or services whatever the cost of re-buying that product
or service, for this to occur the value of the product or service, which can include the loyalty scheme, must be perceived as giving better value than the competing products