Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Current Influences of Research Utilization in Practice - Orems Self Care Theory. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper looks at the way in which current research is aiding with the practical application of Orem’s self care theory. The paper reviews several areas of research and considers how this can be of benefit to nursing care. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
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the ways in which it may be applied not only to general nursing but also more specialised areas. The application of the model found within research has some direct benefits
for nurses, providing a practical as well as theoretical basis for care giving. In research by Arvidsson (et al, 2011) undertook a
descriptive phenomenological approach examining the experiences of individuals that were living with rheumatic diseases. Those suffering from rheumatic diseases will often perceive their own health as low; having to adapt
their daily practices in order to cope with the condition and as such there was an inherent element of self care within their daily activities. The research looked at 12
individuals, with the finding that there were three interrelated elements in the way that the subjects experienced and coped with their condition. The three elements were dialogue, power struggle and
choice. The self care was perceived as a dialogue between the body and the surrounding environment. The individual would then need to respond to signals received from the body, which
would result in a power struggle with the disease. The way that choices were made saw the choices which would benefit the body being prioritised (Arvidsson et al, 2011). While
this research is valuable for aiding with understanding and aiding with the self care processes for those suffering from rheumatic diseases the application may be seen as wider. Nurse deal
with many patients which have condition that compromise their bodys ability to respond to their environment and understanding this process is a boon.
Doran (et al, 2004) looks at a different population that had, in the past been excluded from the practical application of Orens self-care model. Doran (et al, 2004)