Sample Essay on:
Culture and Nursing Practice

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 6 page research paper that discusses the meaning of "culture" and "cultural diversity" and then applies this understanding to the significance of providing culturally competent nursing care with a special focus on Australia. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates.?? Culture and Nursing Practice Research Compiled By - May, 2010 properly! What is meant by "culture" or "cultural diversity"? While nurses hear these terms quite frequently, they are seldom defined specifically, yet both terms hold significant importance in terms of their relevance to contemporary nursing practice. The following research paper, first of all, defines both of these terms and then examines their nursing relevancy and how culturally competent care plays an important role in Australian nursing. The meaning of "culture" Culture is generally understood to pertain to a shared worldview, in other words, it can be understood as "something that applies to any group of people whose members share values and ways of thinking and acting that differ from those of people outside the group" (Srivastava, 2007 p. 58). As this suggests, ones culture refers to the way in which a persons societal group interprets reality. This entails specific inherent "values and assumptions" about the world and human interpersonal relations that are "taken for granted and rarely examined or enacted consciously" (Srivastava, 2007, p. 59). For example, people do not typically consider the distance between themselves and others when they talk. However, a specific distance just "feels right" and when someone stands within closer, that is, within their personal body space, they instinctively back off, creating the distance that seems more natural to them. This distance is culturally determined and varies considerably between cultures. For example, members of Western societies tend to stand further apart when conversing than do people in ...

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