Sample Essay on:
Culturally Competent Nursing Strategies

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page research paper that discusses culturally competent nursing strategies that can be used to decrease the health disparities that characterize healthcare in the US. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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significantly improve the racial/ethnic disparities that exist in health care (Betancourt, et al, 2005). Census statistics indicate that the diversity of residents in the United States is increasing rapidly (Jeffrey, 2005). This trend is due to the "growing numbers of immigrants, refugees, and multiple heritage individuals" who make up the contemporary American population (Jeffrey, 2005, p. 41). Congruent with this trend, disparities in healthcare between racial/ethnic groups are also increasing. In 2002, an Institute of Medicine report, "Unequal Treatment: Confronting Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Healthcare," related a body of research that shows that there are significant differences in the rates of medical procedures when analyzed by race, "even when income, age, insurance coverage and severity of illness are comparable" (Edlin, 2004, p. 30). In their position paper on this issue, the American College of Physicians indicates that there is ample evidence that racial and ethnic health care disparities do exist (Racial and ethnic disparities, 2004). Research shows that racial/ethnic minorities are statistically less likely "to receive routine medical procedures," while simultaneously at greater risk for receiving lower quality health care (Edlin, 2004, p. 30). Nurses are ideally situated to impact health care disparities through the use of culturally competent strategies (Jeffrey, 2005). The objective of culturally competent care is to formulate a health care system and workforce that possesses the skill and understanding required to deliver quality healthcare to all citizens (Betancourt, et al, 2005). Cultural competence has become prominent in healthcare policy because the US is increasing more diverse and practitioners see patients from a broad range of cultural and social backgrounds (Betancourt, et al, 2005). Additionally, it should be noted that while culturally competence is more frequently used in reference to ethnic and racial diversity, the concept can also be used more broadly and be ...

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