Sample Essay on:
Culturally Competent Care In Psychiatric Hospitals

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

10 pages in length. It is not possible to live in a world without diversity for the simple reason that there are far too many types of people to expect everyone to adhere to the same set of social, political or cultural standards. Patients are individuals no matter their origin and, as such, have different needs based upon their cultural roots; implementing the tenets of diversity serves to unite – while at the same time respect - those differences. This, however, is not always an applied perspective when it comes to culturally competent care appropriate for a psychiatric hospital; where nurturing and compassion typically hold sway in health care environments, a common assertion is both within and outside of the industry is how far too many nurses fail to incorporate culturally sensitivity into their dealings with patients. Bibliography lists 5 sources.

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people to expect everyone to adhere to the same set of social, political or cultural standards. Patients are individuals no matter their origin and, as such, have different needs based upon their cultural roots; implementing the tenets of diversity serves to unite - while at the same time respect - those differences. This, however, is not always an applied perspective when it comes to culturally competent care appropriate for a psychiatric hospital; where nurturing and compassion typically hold sway in health care environments, a common assertion is both within and outside of the industry is how far too many nurses fail to incorporate cultural sensitivity into their dealings with patients. America is arguably one of the most diverse nations in the world. While such diversity can provide opportunities for unique social and cultural interactions, it can also present opportunities for poor medical care. Many studies show that ethnic and cultural minorities do not receive the same level of care as patients in majority groups. The mental health care system, in particular, is susceptible to cultural insensitivities that may lead to substandard, inappropriate, or ineffective treatment (Lakhan, 2009). II. THE IMPORTANCE OF CULTURALLY COMPETENT CARE Culturally competent care appropriate for a psychiatric hospital is considered a basic and primary component of nursing given the multicultural component of contemporary society. An attitude of acceptance, acknowledgement and respect represent the foundation of such care if health care outcomes are to be beneficial rather than detrimental. What occurs all too often, however, is the intrusion of personal beliefs, stereotypes and bias that have no place in nursing. The common denominator among nurses may be an overwhelming compassion toward helping mankind, however, there is considerably more to the ...

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