Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Cultural Implications of New Media Technologies. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 10 page paper discussing producer control of individuals’ use of digital information; the “digital divide” in Internet access; and cultural implications of Internet content. There are cultural implications of access, of course, but there are additional considerations of the cultural differences in which content can be perceived. The bottom line is that the developer needs to be aware of these disparities in perceptions, and speak to all possible – or profitable – aspects. Bibliography lists 11 sources.
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10 pages (~225 words per page)
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Rights Management (DRM) is a proactive approach to protecting intellectual property that exists in digital - i.e., downloadable - form. National and international copyright protection has been found not
to be enough to protect the rights of those owning rights to intellectual property. The entertainment and software industries particularly have been adversely affected by individuals abilities to appropriate
content for their own use (or worse, for sale to others) without paying developers or providers for the benefit they receive from the products. DRM is an emerging technology
that seeks to rectify that situation, at least in part. What It Is Sony Ericsson (2002) has been a leader in developing DRM
technology. The company defines DRM as "a technology that enables secure distribution, promotion, and sale of digital media" (p. 5). This digital media encompasses many forms, including personal
images; digital forms of recorded music; downloadable software packages; branded games and other forms of the result of individuals work stored in digital form. DRM technology brings a measure
of control to content providers in how users of their intellectual property will be allowed to use that property. DRM technology as it
currently exists does not give content providers absolute control over how users use their material, but it can place some prohibitions on specific uses. Property owners place limits on
how their content can be used; DRM places these definitions into effect and enforces them, giving content providers flexibility in the ways they can sell or otherwise distribute their intellectual
property. As example, Rights can be defined so that a picture can be used by subscribers only, and rights can be defined so that a ring signal can