Sample Essay on:
Cultural Considerations in Nursing

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 3 page research paper that briefly discusses the importance of cultural considerations in nursing in a multiethnic society. The writer also offers the student precise information on how to paraphrase and cite sources. Bibliography lists 3 sources.

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competency indicates it serves as a mechanism that immensely improves levels of patient satisfaction, while enhancing care quality and simultaneously reducing health disparities (Lee, et al, 2009). Literature on this subject relates the components of culturally competency and how these should be incorporated into nursing practice. For example, experts agree that the first step in obtaining cultural competency is for healthcare practitioners to become aware of their own culture and how their cultural biases can influence their behaviors and perspectives (Greenlee, 2007). In other words, the first step in becoming aware of patients cultural considerations is to reflexively realize what constitutes "culture," that is, how it is defined and the role it plays in the life and beliefs of the practitioner. For example, in their research, Chase and Blakeney describe how a nursing program aids student in cultivating an awareness of their personal perspectives toward Appalachians has the power to affect their practice behaviors toward these patients (Greenlee, 2007). Having examined their own attitudes, this study goes on to relate specific interventions and strategies that are designed to aid these nursing students in increasing their "awareness and knowledge of Appalachian culture" (Greenlee, 2007, p. 324). This source stresses that by providing readily available access to preventative healthcare services that are culturally congruent with their patients health beliefs and lifestyle, nurses can effectively intervene with cohorts of Appalachian patients, such as Eastern Band of Cherokees, as well as other Appalachian residents (Greenlee, 2007). As this indicates, cultural consideration in nursing, and in healthcare in general, are often extremely complex. This point is emphasized in a study conducted by Cook, Kosoko- Lasaki and OBrien, 2005). In this study, multiethnic participant group consisting of "African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Native Americans, Sudanese, and Vietnamese; and eight whites were surveyed" (Cook, Kosoko-Lasaki and ...

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