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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 5 page research paper discusses the factors involved for providing culturally competent care for African American (AA) men, with a particularly focus on the problem of hypertension. There is also a short abstract. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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for culturally competent care in response to treatment for uncontrolled hypertension. The writer takes a theoretical approach based on the Purnell Model of Cultural Competence, due to the fact that
this model focuses on the significance of health beliefs, which can form a significant obstacle to care among this demographic group. Introduction African American (AA) men, as a group,
have the highest mortality rate in the US, in regards to all-causes, as well as the highest age-adjusted mortality rate for a number of preventable causes (Ravenell, Whitaker and Johnson,
2008). While lack of utilization of healthcare services and available access to healthcare certainly plays a role in the behavior of AA males, research shows that another pivotal factor pertains
to a cultural inadequacies in care for this particular demographic segment. Many of these men express a profound level of distrust toward healthcare providers. As one young black male
expressed it, "Black men have a hard time with doctors, period. We are reluctant to go and we only go when something goes wrong, so we dont deal in terms
of prevention as a rule" (Ravenell, Whitaker and Johnson, 2008, p. 1153). As this suggests, there are numerous cultural barriers complicating the goal of providing effective care for African American
men. The following examination of this topic, addresses a hypothetical case study, which the student researching this topic can use as a model in relating her own experience to this
area of practice. This discussion will utilize the Purnell Model of Cultural Competence, due to the specific way in which Purnell (2005) describes the significance of the health beliefs
that patients bring with them to a clinical setting and how this impacts the response to care. Leiningers Culture Care Theory of Nursing also focuses on the importance of culture