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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 10 page paper considers the issues and influences of culture in cross-border mergers and acquisitions. The paper looks at the external and internal culture, focusing on internal influences. The subject is explored with the use of the acquisition of Abbey National by Santander Central Hispano (SCH). The bibliography cites 13 sources.
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10 pages (~225 words per page)
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will be possible to gain additional value from the firms as a single company as the value will be greater than the sum of its parts. A number of theories
exist concerning the way in which that value could be created, these include the benefits of synergy, the elimination of duplicated functions such as head office services, and the potential
of better management are company has been under managed (Pilloff, 1996; Linder, 1992). The potential benefits are high, but in reality they have been very difficult to realise; there are
a large number of hidden costs and a range of barriers that need to be overcome for potential value to become realised value (Rothnie, 1999).
Mergers and acquisitions have become fairly common in national environments. Cross-border mergers and acquisitions present a range of unique problems; a major issue being that of culture. Culture
may be seen as a major influence on the way cross-border mergers and acquisitions take place, or rather do not take place. The impact of culture on cross-border mergers and
acquisitions may be seen from the external environment and the internal environment. This was finding of Santander Central Hispano (SCH) during and after the acquisition of Abbey National (Harwood, 2005).
Santander is a Spanish bank, was performing well in its own market and understood the needs and desires of its customers. The
first impact culture will have in the period before the acquisition murder took place would be the consideration of the way in which the target market for the company to
be acquired will be different. There are major differences between the British and Spanish cultures, this reflects not only impersonal attitudes but also in the way the customers perceive and