Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Critique of Student Nursing Ethics Paper on Patient Autonomy. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page paper which critiques a student paper supporting the position that the primary responsibility of a nurse or healthcare professional is to the patient and these wishes take precedence over those of the family and community. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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a supporting argument for the stand taken. The student selected to advocate the following statement: "The primary responsibility of the professional is to the patient, the wishes and welfare
of the patient always take precedence over the interests of others, such as family and community." What follows is the students response, based on personal experiences and supported by
the patient bill of rights: I stand by the above words by Florence Nightingale who stated, "I will hold in confidence all personal matters committed to my keeping."
I believe that the primary responsibility of the profession is toward the patient; furthermore, the wishes and welfare of the patient always take precedence over the interests of others, such
as family and community. As health care providers, we are responsible for the patient as we can see when we enter a hospital or doctors office. The patient
bill of rights always said patient rights and not patient and familys rights. Whether in an office or hospital, we are solely responsible for the patient and their right
take precedence over the interest of others and family. Our duty is promote the interests and well-being of the patients who are under our care. By promoting healthy
and better communication between us and the patient, we do not need to involve the family only as the direct wish of the patient. The patient can convey to
us their desired involvement with their family and can communicate any concern, progress or changes in care to them as they deem appropriate. However, it is important that we
accurately determine patient appropriate family involvement as family can often be a strong basis of support in a time of need. If the family is close, they can play