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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper is a reaction to the book, "Race Matters". This critique is written from the perspective of a white woman. This critique addresses such issues as, what ideas in the book challenged previous beliefs/assumptions, evidence of biases in the authors view, what the reader learned from the book, what the book teaches about oppression, and more. Bibliography lists 1 source.
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States. This author offers a radical viewpoint on many topical issues confronting black America, but his analysis is thought-provoking and thorough. Through the eyes of this author, the
reader is able to gain immense understanding of the struggles that blacks have had to endure as they assimilate into society.
However, as I read this book it raised specific concerns as well, perhaps most aptly summarized by saying that the author reveals a definite bias against white America. While
many of the passages in this book recounted obvious situations of oppression and racism that allowed the reader insight into the black experience, there was also much discussion of blame,
typically landing on white shoulders. This came as a surprise as I read through the first several pages, but became a theme as I read further. The author
of this book raises issues that beckon to the days of Malcom X, of whom this author has significant regard. However, associations based on resentment, bitterness and anger are
unfortunately evident throughout this book. There is a definite duality to this book. On the one hand, this author raises
important issues about racism and oppression for black Americans. It is difficult to argue with many of his premises because history has underscored his rationale. However, the accompanying
anger with which these revelations are made to me reveals a bias against white America that is both distracting and offensive at times. To be sure, West is a
very thorough author, taking the time to delve into a plethora of examples to illustrate his theories and paradigms. In this way, the reader is rarely left wondering from