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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 4 page paper which examines conflict and crime control along with consensus and due process as they offer approaches concerning criminal policies. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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it comes to dealing with the issue of criminals and the acts of crimes. Both sides of the conflict have their strong points and both are often seen, by one
side or the other, as unnecessary in comparison to the other. The following paper addresses issues and concerns regarding these two models. Criminal Policies
According to one author, "Our system of justice strives to protect society by maintaining order and enforcing laws. At the same time, citizen rights must be upheld.
This conflict of two opposing values has been referred to by Herbert Packer as the conflict between the crime control and the due process models of criminal justice" (Purpura ,
1996; 9). But, at the same time it is clearly what makes up the whole of our criminal justice system as many would argue that they balance out one another.
In relationship to the roles law enforcement plays in the two models it is noted that police officers are generally restricted from
entering into peoples homes unlawfully, that they are restricted from particular behavior and also reading rights to potential criminals and yet they have the right to aggressively seek out criminals
(Purpura, 1996). "The crime control model stress the importance of protecting society through efficient and effective law enforcement. Police aggressively pursue offenders at the possible expense of their constitutional
rights, which are deemed subservient to the communitys need for protection. This hard-line mode justifies itself by attacking pre-eminence to the necessity to control crime and maintain public order" (Purpura
, 1996; 9). As it involves attorneys and the courts this is where due process truly comes into play and their roles