Sample Essay on:
Creating a Firm that is ‘Built to Change’

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 5 page paper looks at different models or theories that may be incorporated when building a firm that is designed to be able to cope with change. The paper considers the use of lean and flexible manufacturing system, flexible structures such as networks or team based structures and the idea of a learning organization. The bibliography cites 11 sources.

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companies needing to adapt in order to survive and thrive. To create an organization that is built to change there are a number of factors that can be considered, from the organizational culture and processes to the structure. Many different elements may be included, this paper will consider some of the approaches that may be utilized in the way a built to change organization can be created. It is often argued that the most important change or foundation to flexible organizations are the attitudes and the culture, these ideas need to be in place and may be aided by the structures and process. Peter Senge is an advocate of the philosophy that companies need to become learning organizations and that change is a part of everyday life, including business (Jackson, 2000).He argues that we have been conditioned into resisting change by institutions such as schools (Jackson, 2000). Senge quotes Deming when looking organisations who states that current systems are destroying the employees (Jackson, 2000). To accept change of any sort the mental attitude has to be adapted; this requires an open mind and the ability to learn not only new techniques or systems, but also the individuals within the organizations need to learn how to adept and make use of new information, as well as unlearn social conditioning responses, such as the resistance to change due to fear which is often observed (Chen et al, 2007). Senge argues that for an organisation to become a learning organisation there are numerous barriers to be overcome, these barriers prevent the attainment of the learning organisation to become a reality. The idea of the learning organisation is one which will 1 their capacity to generate the ...

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