Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Creating Operational Efficiency While Sustaining Competitive Advantages. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 21 page paper looks at why it is important that in addition to have a competitive advantage, a company is operationally efficient. The paper considers the need for both elements in any strategy and considers way in which modern companies may pursue efficiency. Models discussed include the value chain, TQM, inventory management, and finally lean and flexible manufacturing. The bibliography cites 17 sources.
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21 pages (~225 words per page)
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1. Introduction To compete successful firms have to be able to respond to customers needs in a competitive manner. A great deal of literature has been
written regarding the need for a competitive advantage, Porter (1985) argues that to be successful in the long term a company has to have a competitive advantage, either differentiation or
the cost advantage. As only one firm in any sector can have the cost advantage the rest are left with trying to compete with differentiation. However, even where a
company has a strong that is difficult to emulate, competitive advantage this is not enough to make a company successful. In addition to providing the customer with the goods, there
is also the need to provide the goods in a timely manner and a competitive price. Therefore, as well as competitive advantage, firms have to operate in an efficient manner.
There are many examples of firms that have had a competitive advantage but have failed due to inefficient operations, many dot com companies had good ideas and high levels of
differentiation but failed, more recently the childrens clothing firm Adams, which was highly differentiated in the UK despite high sales, failed and was bought out by a competitor, due to
the inefficient operations failing to create a profit (Anonymous, 2007). Other companies, such as Harley Davidson have had some close calls, nearly failing despite differentiation due to operating inefficiencies impacting
on quality and profit levels (Grant, 2004). There are many ways in which operational efficiency can be achieved, with a number of models utilised to gain the desired results, but
in each occasions there will be the delivery of the right number and type of goods to the buyer at the right time. As competition increases with many barriers being