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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page paper which examines elements in
Islamic architecture as they involve courtyards. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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typical expression of this focus on inner space is in the Muslim house" in that "Rectangular dwelling units typically are organized around an inner courtyard. The facade of this house
offers high windowless walls interrupted only by a single low door" (Islamic Architecture: Introduction, 2003). These courtyards have served as powerful influences in the field of architecture and are
still being used today as elements in design. In the following paper we provide an overview of Islamic courtyards. Islamic Courtyards "Often these courtyard houses are clustered together into
a walled complex to serve the needs of extended families. Entrance to the complex is through a single door that leads to a passageway from which the individual dwellings can
be reached" (Islamic Architecture: Introduction, 2003). Interestingly enough, these courtyards are never considered to be actually completed as they are a work in progress. "As family size increases, more rooms
are built on the lots unused land. Once the land around the courtyard has been covered, expansion takes place in a vertical direction" (Islamic Architecture: Introduction, 2003). One could
assume that in terms of reproducing Islamic courtyards in the field of architecture, this is one place in which modern interpretation would differ, for the use of the courtyards is
different. With new design it is likely that the courtyard is considered completed and not reliant on change. In addition, although "Many of the courtyard houses that give the
Islamic city its unmistakable appearance still exist...they are being replaced today by structures influenced by the styles of Western architecture" (Islamic Architecture: Introduction, 2003). We note that "The open-air
interior courtyard performs an important function as a modifier of climate in hot, arid areas. The courtyard allows for outdoor activities with protection from wind and sun" (Islamic Architecture: Introduction,