Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Counselor In Training Ethics. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 14 page paper. This paper is an ethical autobiography. As such, it must discuss the early influences in my life as I grew and developed. Therapists and counselors are faced with ethical decisions often They have codes upon which they can rely but these are too often vague and can act as only a guide. These professionals need to be able to make judgments and be accountable for their ethical decisions. Confidentiality and Transference and countertransference are also discussed. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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my church, and my school. They were rigid but from them, I developed a sense of right and wrong. They gave me a sense of safety and security because I
always knew what was expected. They also gave me a sense of black and white so that I had absolutist ideas. Higher education changed my rigid thinking. This was especially
true of my training in psychology where I found there were a lot ore gray areas than I had imagined. The paper explains the early influences on my ethics code,
which were home, church, and school. Higher education opened my mind. Therapists and counselors are faced with ethical decisions often They have codes upon which they can rely but these
are too often vague and can act as only a guide. These professionals need to be able to make judgments and be accountable for their ethical decisions. Transference and
countertransference are also discussed. These were Freuds ideas but they have become more mainstream. There is controversy related to their usefulness but counselors in all fields still discuss these issues.
Introduction We all live by a set of rules that reflect our own personal principles and values. We dont really think of these very often because we are
not faced with that many ethical dilemmas in our personal lives. In our professional lives as counselors, there are more times when the proper ethical behavior is not as easy
to determine. Ethics is about how one should behavior. They are influenced by our upbringing, by religions, and by experience we have. They are also influenced by gaining knowledge.
This essay discusses early influences on the development of my code of ethics. Influences include how I was raised, my religion, the community, and finally college. Reflection on Early