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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 23 page paper compares and contrasts the approaches that are seen with reference to corporate governance in the UK and Germany. The paper starts by defining corporate governance and then looks at the way it has evolved and is implemented in both of these nations. The bibliography cites 22 sources.
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23 pages (~225 words per page)
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the UK 14 5. Comparison of the UK with Germany 17 6. Conclusion 23 1. Introduction The subject of corporate governance is one that is highly subjective and has the potential to create disagreements,
as this is the consideration of the way in which businesses undertake business actions, looking at how decision are made, reflecting the policies and values, concerning which stakeholders are assessed
as valid and which should be considered in the way that strategies and operations are managed. Over the last decade there has been increased interest in the role and responsibilities
of businesses, with issues such as ethics, the role of corporate social responsibly and aspects such as environmental damage and the issue of global warming, all of these come under
the umbrella of corporate governance. The interesting aspect of corporate governance is the way that it takes place may be seen as relativity uniform, especially I areas where there are
common legislative requirements or the presence of harmonization, such as in the European Union (EU), as corporate governance is not only regulated by the basic requirements, but it is a
reflection of culture and national values as well as influence by the values and views of the leadership of the firm. By looking at two countries in the EU; the
United Kingdom (UK) and Germany, these differences may be appreciated. To consider this we first need to fully define what is meant by cooperate governance and look at the different
models which may be observed and then look at some approaches and practices that can be seen in both the countries. However this is a very broad subject and the
sue and compliance with cooperate governance ideals may be observed over a very large area of corporate operations, so the paper is designed to give an overview looking at a