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This 5 page paper reviews the continuing criticism concerning the Patriot Act. The author emphasizes this Act has both good and bad points. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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listed below. Citation styles constantly change, and these examples may not contain the most recent updates. Continuing Concerns Regarding the Patriot Act Research Compiled
by 2/2011 Please
The Patriot Act, H.R. 3162 ENR, is one of the most controversial laws ever imposed on Americans. Passed by the House on October
11, 2001, by the Senate the very next day, and signed by President George W. Bush on October 26, 2001, the Patriot Act was put in place in the aftermath
of one of the most devastating acts of terrorism that has ever been committed within the United States. This was a time when our concerns over national security took
precedence. It might be contended, in fact, that the Patriot Act in essence sabotages some of the most basic of our the civil rights that the US Constitution guarantees
Americans. There are, however, both good and bad aspects of the Patriot Act. Interestingly, in 2010 Baraq Obama extended the
Patriot Act without "without any new limits on government surveillance powers" (Information Management Journal 9). That extension only lasted for one year, however, and certain sections of the Patriot
Act are now pending expiration again in the near future. Although the House has passed an extension on these sections, the Senate has yet to approve (CQ House Action
Reports). The topic is still one of considerable debate. There are, in fact, several aspects of the Patriot Act that are worthy of discussion. Some of the