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Content Exploration on Three Nursing Theory Websites (Virginia Henderson, Betty Neuman, and Margaret A. Newman)

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In three pages this paper examines three websites in terms of research availability and publications, theoretical applicability, and theory attractiveness to the writer. Three sources are listed in the bibliography.

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developed by nurses to assist in nursing practice. They typically consist of personal and professional philosophy, practical information, and applications. Today, nursing theory has expanded beyond articles and books (or textbooks) and is featured on countless websites. Three nursing theories that are particularly worthy of note are Virginia Hendersons need theory, Betty Neumans systems model, and Margaret A. Newmans health as expanding consciousness model. Virginia Henderson is one of the most famous of all nursing theorists and her need theory is readily accessible on the Internet. One website in particular provides a concise overview of this theory as well as descriptions of Hendersons contributions and achievements ( This website provides an excellent theoretical overview that explores the importance of concentrating on the clients needs, defines 14 components that are comprised of physiological, psychological, spiritual, and sociological needs as well as four major concepts (individual, environment, health, and nursing) (Virginia Hendersons Need Theory, 2010). The website lists references on Virginia Henderson that were accessed to compile the information, but no resource dated later than 2002. Henderson died in 1996, but her need theory is still being taught in nursing schools and referenced in books and articles that are not listed on this introductory website. This theory remains relevant to contemporary nursing practice because it is client-centered and can complement other theories easily. Its attractiveness lies within its common sense and primarily educational approach. Nurses can expand and personalize this theory to apply to their own practice requirements. Perhaps lesser known than the need theory of Virginia Henderson is Betty Neumans systems model, which is referenced on the Neumann University website, The page provides basic information on the Neuman systems model, and describes its theoretical intent as follows: "The model ...

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