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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper discusses some aspects of consumer behavior, such as the stages in the buying process beginning with the perception of need and the level of involvement based on the type of purchasing. Bibliography lists 2 sources.
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some sort of criteria; deciding what to purchase among the alternatives; making the purchase; and evaluating that purchase in terms of satisfaction level (Brown, n.d.). There may be a lapse
of time between making the decision to purchase a specific item and the actual purchase of it. Also, in todays world, more and more consumers are taking advantage of
searching for information and alternatives on the Internet. As for the first step, recognition of need for something, an item may become perceived as being needed from advertisements. Sometimes that
item is not really needed, other times, an advertisement may remind someone that they really do need a new pair of shoes or a laundry product. An example of
a simply situation is dining out. The customer is hungry, thinks of the types of restaurants that are available, makes a choice and goes to the restaurant. The specific restaurant
may be selected because the person feels like eating a certain type of food, e.g., Mexican or Chinese or a burger. Purchasing may be determined by the type of store,
how they serve the customer, the ease of the full transaction, the availability of different brands or any other criteria. This leads to the types of buying in
which consumers engage. There are first, the routine purchases like toiletries, groceries and other things purchased on a routine basis. These kinds of routine purchases require little involvement in terms
of decision-making and are relatively automatic whereas some items are purchased on a less routine basis, such as clothing require at least a small amount of involvement and consumers spend
a moderate amount of time deciding which brand or type to purchase (Brown, n.d.). Consumers are much more involved in the entire process for high ticket items that are seldom