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3 pages in length. Consanguineous marriages are most prevalent in global communities still untouched by such culturally revolutionizing events as industrialization and technological advancement, however, they still exist in many of today's more civilized societies. To marry and produce children with a close relative has long been an accepted approach for the perpetuation of the family, an aspect typically encouraged by religious doctrine. However, while this type of marital union may have an extensive presence in terms of historical validity, it cannot be considered constitutional from a number of different angles, not the least of which includes the notion of inbreeding, morbidity and mortality. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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children with a close relative has long been an accepted approach for the perpetuation of the family, an aspect typically encouraged by religious doctrine. However, while this type of
marital union may have an extensive presence in terms of historical validity (Shaw, 2001; Modell, 1991), it cannot be considered constitutional from a number of different angles, not the least
of which includes the notion of inbreeding, morbidity and mortality. As is the case with any species that inbreeds, the genetic composition brought together by the two closely related individuals
produces a weakened strain in the offspring; when this progression continues to occur, the genetic integrity of the progeny becomes too delicate to sustain life, ultimately causing both physical and
mental disease. Health problems are part and parcel to the children born of consanguineous marriages, which happens from the presence of recessive genes passed down from previous generations.
These rare genes compromise the biological soundness required for sustaining health. Research findings demonstrate how first cousin offspring experience one to four percent higher morbidity levels than the children
of couples who are not related. Moreover, a particular disorder that may never otherwise appear in the offspring of unrelated couples is more likely to come forward when consanguinity
is present, clearly illustrating how the incidence of mutated recessive gene occurrence is directly linked to the prevalence of related marriages. Bittles (1998) notes that the more concentrated the
level of inbreeding, the greater the likelihood for progeny to experience cardiovascular disease and various cancers. "The dangers of close inbreeding must have become known to early humans fairly
soon, since practically every society has rules that tend to avoid close consanguineous marriage, and sometimes ex-tend prohibition to remote consanguinities...Among humans, the social custom of avoiding marriage of close