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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 10 page paper which examines physical pain. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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everyone has experienced pain to one degree or another at various times in their life. There is the pain of stubbing ones toe or the constant pain of suffering from
a debilitating condition. The following paper offers a look at the concept of pain, data connecting to the observation of pain and other aspects of pain, with the ultimate goal
being the concept clarification of physical pain as it relates to the medical or nursing profession. It should be noted that the information presented is offered as suggestive and as
a starting point for the student of nursing. Concept Pain, as mentioned in the introduction, is something, a concept, that all
people are familiar with to some extent. Pain hurts and can be subtle, such as a constant ache, or very intense, such as what one would experience when getting a
deep cut or the breaking of a bone. Many may argue that pain is the bodys way of ensuring a human being pays attention to something, such as the heat
of a fire, or an injury that needs attention. At the same time people deal with pain very differently and as such it is not always simple to ascertain just
how much pain a person, or a patient, is experiencing. A level of pain that may puts one person in tears may be easily handled by another. As such a
persons reaction to pain can be incredibly informative, but also clearly does not always truly define the level of pain they are experiencing. This is where subjective and objective pain
data comes in handy, in more fully understanding the amount of pain being experienced. Data Subjective: In relationship to subjective pain, pain