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A 9 page research paper that follows the standard format for a nursing concept analysis, which focuses on the idea of comfort. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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nursing care (Kolcaba and Kolcaba, 1991). In the contemporary era, comfort is a term that appears in nursing diagnostic taxonomies, as well as in other forms of nursing literature, but
despite this extensive use, often, the reader is left with the burden of deciding precisely what comfort means from a nursing perspective, that is, it this encompasses more than the
contextual meaning of ordinary language (Kolcaba and Kolcaba, 1991). Therefore, the purpose of this concept analysis is to explore the varied meanings of "comfort," with a specific focus on how
this term is applied in nursing science and its subsequent implications for nursing practice. Uses of this concept/Literature review Definitions: Despite the fact that the concept of comfort is
frequently used throughout the scope of nursing literature, Siefert (2002) relates that it has been poorly defined. As with pain, comfort is a subjective state that can vary from one
individual to another. Inconsistencies in the literature and a general "lack of information concerning its specific characteristics" are the factors that explain the vagueness of how it is utilized and
described in nursing (Siefert, 2002, p. 18). Kolcaba and DiMarco (2005) point out that Websters Dictionary defines "comfort" in a variety of ways: (a) to soothe in distress or
sorrow; (b) relief from distress; (c) a person or thing that comforts; (d) a state of ease and quiet enjoyment, free from worry; (e) anything that makes life easy; and
(f) the lessening of misery or grief by cheering, calming, or inspiring with hope. In these definitions, comfort can be a verb, noun, adjective, adverb, and it can be negative
(absence of a recent discomfort), neutral (ease), or positive (inspiring hope)(Kolcaba and DiMarco, 2005, p. 187). Another dimension of how to define "comfort" as assessed in a study