Sample Essay on:
Concept Analysis: Aging

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 20 page research paper that offers a nursing concept analysis on aging. As the percentage of the American population that is over the age of 65 increases with each passing year, there is more and more attention being paid to geriatric health care needs; and, in keeping with this trend, successful aging is a concept that is also garnering more attention. The importance of geriatric health care issues underlies the need to understand the concept of aging more fully and to describe in detail the differences that are inherent to successful/healthy aging as opposed to maladaptive aging (Flood, 2002). This concept analysis of aging endeavors to accomplish this purpose, as it describes how literature addresses the aging process and its implications. Bibliography lists 26 sources.

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successful aging is a concept that is also garnering more attention. The importance of geriatric health care issues underlies the need to understand the concept of aging more fully and to describe in detail the differences that are inherent to successful/healthy aging as opposed to maladaptive aging (Flood, 2002). The following concept analysis of aging endeavors to accomplish this purpose, as it describes how literature addresses the aging process and its implications. Nursing literature indicates that concept analysis aids in identifying the attributes of aging that can be used to promote maintaining a high degree of health and quality of life as one ages, while also helping nurses to identify the detrimental factors that are associated with aging. Concepts are fundamental to many nursing curricula at both the undergraduate and graduate level, as they function as a compendium of nursing knowledge through which students can gain valuable insights into issues of nursing praxis (Duncan, Cloutier and Bailey, 2007). Walker and Avant (1995) identify eight steps that can be used in formulating a nursing concept analysis, which are, first of all, to select a concept and then to decide upon the goals or purposes involved that should be the focus of the analysis. This design process should include identifying the uses of the concept and its defining attributes (Walker and Avant, 1995). The steps involved also include defining antecedents and consequences (Walker and Avant, 1995). This step will be addressed within the context of this analysis, but, first, the following literature review summarizes a small portion of the vast body of literature that is available on this topic. This literature review is subdivided according to the category of research to which it is related. Uses of the concept of aging/Literature review Psychology/Psychiatry In a study conducted by Ferraro, ...

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