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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A six page paper which considers some of the issues surrounding security on the Internet and the Web, especially with respect to the dangers presented by hackers and viruses. Bibliography lists 7 sources
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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evident in recent years that with the advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web, the relationship between technology, communication and corporate business enterprise has changed in a number
of significant ways. It is certainly the case that businesses which do not take the fullest advantage of the new technology in all aspects of their enterprise will suffer from
reduced competitiveness, and that such technology impinges on all aspects of the companys operation.
In addition, the increase in the traffic of global communication has also meant that both organisations and individuals
are becoming increasingly reliant on the new technology not only for personal and business communication, but also for all forms of financial dealings. As a result, it is seen as
vital that security is seen as a priority, both from the point of view of confidentiality and of preventing system damage such as that which is caused by viruses and
Carroll (1995) makes the point that whilst it is possible to establish a reasonable amount of security on the Internet, the way in which hackers have the capability to keep
ahead of security measures means that no system will ever be totally protected; it is up to organisations to provide the maximum security possible, but to understand also that this
will never be perfect. However, as Radding (1995) points out, systems which have previously been assumed to offer full protection may not in fact do so. Firewalls were, at one