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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 9 page paper discusses the following quote “Communication is not an easy process. It involves verbal and non-verbal attempts to assist the other person to understand what we are trying to communicate. Yet it often fails”, looking at the process of communication and different models that describe with the way communication takes place in order to understand how or why it can fail. The bibliography cites 9 sources.
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little doubt that communications is complex, there is a multitude of anecdotal evidence available to any student of communication that indicates the difficulties, firm such simple sources and language differences,
even within the same language words, or even actions such as hand singles, can have multiple meanings that are not always easily deciphers from the context, with additional influences, such
as tone of voice and non verbal clues indicating different meanings, such as sincerity or sarcasm. Communication may appear to be simple, but the practice of communication has many barriers
that need to be overcome. To consider this we can look at what is meant by communication. The process of communication and different models of communication which indicate the potential
complexities that maybe encountered and the influences that may be present on the way it is communicated. Communication is defined by the
dictionary as "The exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, signals, writing, or behaviour" (, 2010). From this we can see communication can take place in a range
of conscious and unconscious models, either directly or indirectly. This may also take place in a unilateral manner, one to one, or one to many, or a bilateral manner
where there is communication between parties rather than one way communication. Different types of communication will be suited to different purposes and environments. However, for communication to be effective the
message which is being communicated and the message which is received need to be aligned. There are a number of stages to
communication process whatever type of mutation is taking place. Communication will start at the source, the message will then be encoded ready to be sent, it will be communicated through