Sample Essay on:
Comparing Blake & Dickinson Poems

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A 3 page outline that is a companion paper to khcbadp2.rtf, as this paper offers an outline for an essay that compares William Blake's "The Lamb" to Emily Dickinson's "I heard a Fly buzz—when I died—." No additional sources cited.

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is the co-creator of the universe. Emily Dickinsons nineteenth century poem "I heard a Fly buzz-- when I died" has an opposite theme, as Christ is expected within the room of a dying woman, but death brings simply the cessation of life. As this suggests, Blakes "The Lamb" and Dickinsons "I heard a Fly buzz-when I died--" are very different poems and their differences are the most significant factors in understanding the relationship between these poems. I. It is possible to find similarity between the two poems in that each one either directly or overtly refers to humanitys relationship to the hereafter; however, what is clearly the most striking features in both poems are their differences. II. They have different forms. A. Blakes poems has two stanzas of rhymed couplets. 1. His rhythmic pattern is very regular. a. "Little Lamb, who made thee?/Dost thou know who made thee?" (Blake 669) B. Dickinson a rhythmic pattern that has more diversity in its rhythm. 1. Dickinsons poem has four stanzas, with four lines with an ABCB rhyme scheme (some of Dickinsons rhyme are half rhymes). a. "I hear a Fly buzz-when I died--/The Stillness in the Room" (Dickinson 753). III. They have very different narrators. A. Blake uses the voice of a child. 1. "I a child and thou a lamb" (Blake 670). B. Dickinsons narrator is a dying woman. 1. "The Eyes around-had wrung them dry -" (Dickinson 753) IV. They tell very different narratives. A. Blakes narrative is inspirational, and devotional in its message. 1. "He is called by thy name,/for he calls himself a Lamb./He is meek, and he is mild;/He became a little child" (Blake 670). a. Obliquely refers to the sacrifice of Jesus for the sins of the world by becoming human. B. ...

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