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This 6 page paper examines two passages closely, one from the "Iliad" and the other from the "Aeneid."
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in nature, and there is much evidence to support the idea that Virgil copied (or at least took his inspiration) from the earlier work. This paper examines two passages from
the poems very closely to with regard to details such as word choice, syntax, figures of speech and sound patterns. We are using the original texts only; no outside sources
are consulted for this textual reading. The poems are on the last page of the paper and are side by side for ease of comparison. Discussion The first five lines
of the Odyssey and the first seven lines of the Aeneid tell virtually the same story. In each case, the speaker, Odysseus in one case, Aeneas in the other, asks
his men to remember that they have been in great danger before. Both mention the Cyclops, and the danger they were in when they were trapped in his cave; they
both then go on to remind their men that they were successful in escaping. Odysseus asks "Did I not keep my nerve?" while Aeneas says "Now call back your courage...";
the words "nerve" and "courage" are the same thing. The leaders, in short, are reminding their men that they have been in tough places before, they will be again, but
that they escaped due to their bravery. Then they both go on to say that there will come a time when they will look back on these adventures with fondness.
Odysseus puts it like this: "Now I say by hook or crook this peril too shall be something that we remember" while Aeneas says, "Some day, perhaps, remembering even this
will be a pleasure." Thus far, the introductory paragraphs, though of course different in wording, carry precisely the same meaning. The next sections are not as closely aligned. Odysseuss speech