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Community Program Evaluation: First Time Mothers

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 3 page paper provides an overview of a program called First Time Mothers, designed for use in Austin, Texas. This paper relates the value of this community program, its goals, and methods to evaluate the program. Bibliography lists 1 source.

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access to resources, as well as a group process that allows for the sharing of information between mothers. Women generally join the program between 2 weeks and 4 months post-partum, with the average mother beginning approximately 8 weeks after birth or adoption (Reinhardt, 2006). Because of the growing population of new mothers in Austin, Texas, this community can benefit significantly from a program designed to meet the needs of this population. The program provides 8 structured sessions utilizing an experienced facilitator and parent educators, who provide a variety of information valuable to new mothers. The group integrates varied resources and approaches and does not take a single standard approach to acceptable parenting methods. The central purpose of each of these group sessions is to provide information and allow for discourse, and after the facilitated sessions are completed, group participants are encouraged to continue meeting. The groups include between 10-12 women, providing for a broad range of experiences for women in the Austin community (Reinhardt, 2006). The goals for this program are based on the belief that new mothers often become isolated because of the nature of mothering and the requirements of their child. The isolation can result in a lack of emotional support, a lack of access to resources, and an inability to see past issues, which can range from struggles to find care providers to post-partum depression. The goals are based on the distribution of information in key areas that include: * Infant care and development; * Emotional issues relating to the transition to parenthood; * Time management; * Identifying resources; * Return to work issues; * Relationships with partners and family; * Body image, sexuality and maternal emotions (Reinhardt, 2006). The measurement of the success ...

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