Sample Essay on:
Community Nursing and Sarton's As We Are Now

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 5 page book review of May Sarton's As We Are Now, with a focus on how it relaters to community nursing. No additional sources cited.

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5 pages (~225 words per page)

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suffered a heart attack and had to move out of her own home because she could no longer climb the stairs. While this is a fictional account, Sarton clearly and graphically describes issues that should be of concern to community nurses. These issues include the implied need to provide care that helps elderly individuals maintain an independent lifestyle, preferably in their own homes; the need for the elderly to maintain relational ties; and possibility of elder abuse. Caro starts and keeps a journal, which helps her cope with the reality of her situation. She writes, "I am forcing myself to get everything clear in my mind by writing it down so I know where I am at," as "There is no reality now except what I can sustain inside me" (Sarton 10). While Caro understand the family dynamics that forced her brother John to place her in a nursing home, what she does not understand-and this factor is also unclear to the reader-is why her family chose this particular nursing home, which is "place of punishment," which Caro describes as "Hell" (Sarton 10). Two women, Harriet Hatfield and her daughter, take in elderly individuals in this so-called nursing home, which is obviously Mrs. Hatfields private residence. Her daughter, Rose, "sleeps somewhere else" (Sarton 16). Mrs. Hatfield only experience as a "trained nurse" was two years employment as a nurses aid at the State Hospital (Sarton 12). These women do, indeed, work very hard, as they have taken in more clients than they can actually care for in an adequate manner, and, as there is just the two of them, they never have any "off time." It is understandable that they both suffer from the symptoms of "burnout" from this workload, but Hatfield also seems to have a ...

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