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A 9 page research paper that aids a student with formulating a plan to implement culturally competent care within the student's clinical setting. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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minority populations receiving inadequate or inappropriate healthcare services due to problems in communication that are associated with cultural competency. Drawing on the perspectives offered by Fadiman (1997) who describes
a worst-case scenario case study that focuses on culturally competency skills, this report outlines a plan proposal, which is designed to address the cultural competency needs of a specific healthcare
facility that, when implemented, could result in greatly improved care in regards to this concern. This example guide outlines the issues and then makes proposals to address these issues, while
citing relevant and current sources. Communication and Cultural Competency in a Family Practice The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Anne Fadiman (1997) relates a case study
of cultural incompetency, consisting largely of failed communication, in which well meaning and otherwise competent healthcare practitioners failed a Hmong immigrant child. In failing to help this child, the hospital
personnel also lost the confidence and support of an entire immigrant community as, after the childs death, the Hmong community began giving the local hospital a "wide berth," as they
no longer trusted American medicine (Fadiman, 1997, p. 253). This negative outcome underscores the extreme importance of an organization, as a whole, being able to obtain a high level of
cultural competency in regards to the various ethnic groups for whom they provide healthcare services. The Name of the Students Clinical Institution is located in Give location and serves
a population that includes peoples of Asian, Mexican and African origin. The current emphasis in national healthcare is not only for individual practitioners to be culturally competent but also for
healthcare organizations to have a culturally competent perspective and promote training in this area. For example, New Jersey has enacted legislation mandating cultural competency training and, thus far, California, Washington