Sample Essay on:
Communication Issues/Neonatal ICU

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 6 page research paper that addresses the cultural needs of a Hispanic, non-English speaking mother whose newborn suffers from respiratory distress syndrome and was admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The scenario the nursing care being provided, which includes IV fluids because the baby's respiratory distress increases the risk of aspirating milk. The mother wants to breastfeed. The basic thrust of this assignment is to describe the steps that should be taken in order to provide this mother with culturally competent care. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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which includes IV fluids because the babys respiratory distress increases the risk of aspirating milk. The mother wants to breastfeed. The basic thrust of this assignment is to describe the steps that should be taken in order to provide this mother with culturally competent care. The first task facing the nurse handling this case is to obtain a breast pump and the services of a interpreter, if the nurse does not know Spanish, who can interpret the nurses instructions to the patient on how to use the breast pump and also interpret any questions that the mother may have so that the nurse can answer them. However, Hebert (2006) warns that interpreters who have not been trained as medical interpreters may make translation errors. Perhaps, in this case, the nurse handling this case should contact a local chapter of the La Leche League to see if they can provide the services of a member/advisor who speaks Spanish, as such an interpreter would be familiar with the principles involved in breastfeeding education. As this baby has experienced hardship during its first days of life, the infant, once breastfeeding becomes possible, may have some difficulties as both mother and baby learn how to breastfeed. In the early weeks of breastfeeding, some problems that can be encountered include "breast engorgement, nipple soreness, and latch-on" (Hurst, 2007, p. 207). An interpreter who can be readily consulted and provide support to this mother could help the much-needed support that this mother will need in order to achieve the degree of success envisioned by the Healthy People 2010 goals. Healthy People 2010 sets the goal of 75 percent of all mothers initiating breastfeeding, with 50 percent of these mothers continuing for at least the first six months of life and 25 percent continuing for ...

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