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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper looks at the concept and practice of commercial diplomacy, explaining what it is, comparing its’ practice to traditional diplomacy. The bibliography cites 3 sources.
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policies often being centrally formulated. In many cases the practice of traditional diplomacy may be subject to navigations taking place between diplomats in order to reach an agreement that is
then endorsed and ratified by the senior politicians. The process is often associated with international relations especially in consideration of peace, but with international trade, commercial diplomacy is becoming more
prevalent. Commercial diplomacy may be argued as having a great deal in common with traditional diplomacy. Commercial diplomacy is also undertaken by representatives of the state, who have a
diplomatic status. As opposed to traditional diplomacy, commercial diplomacy has a more focused goal; undertaken in order to promote trade and commercial activities between the home and host nations through
a number of different promotional and facilitation activities. Commercial diplomacy can take place at a wide range of levels, starting from the head of state, or the incumbent head of
government, or other government ministers, it may also be undertaken by local ambassadors, or specialized diplomatic groups which may operate the utilization of professional commercial diplomats. Therefore, it may be
practiced by wider number of individuals, and facilitate a greater level of expertise in specific areas, such as exports, tourism exception. This may be seen as one practice which is
different from diplomacy, but the overall approach remains the same. Therefore, contextually there is a high level of alignment between traditional and commercial diplomacy, the difference being the arena in
which it takes place, and the goals, rather than particular processes, strategies or players. A major difference does exist is the potential for professional commercial diplomats, may have a greater
level of speciality than traditional diplomats. In most instances they are usually staff members of a diplomatic mission, alternatively they may be the head of a commercial body with diplomatic