Sample Essay on:
Comfort Theory In Nursing

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

An 11 page paper. This essay explains Kolcaba’s Comfort Theory, including its propositions and taxonomic structure. The essay also discusses hospice and how comfort theory can be adopted in hospice services. Bibliography lists 7 sources.

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assumption that all people seek comfort and people need comfort that eases their pain and suffering. The theory proposes that greater comfort allows the patient to gain the strength that is needed to achieve more positive health outcomes. Hospice provides end-of-life services. Hospice also focuses on easing a persons suffering and bringing comfort to each patient. In fact, the concept of comfort is included in the national hospice organizations set of standards. This essay explains Kolcabas Comfort Theory, including its propositions and taxonomic structure. The essay also discusses hospice and how comfort theory can be adopted in hospice services. Comfort Theory - Kolcaba Katherine Kolcaba introduced her Comfort Theory of nursing in the 1990s. It is categorized as a middle-range theory for research, education, and for health care practice (Current Nursing, 2011). It is considered a midrange theory because it is relatively easy to apply, it is comprised of just a few concepts and propositions, and because it has a low level of abstraction (Kolcaba, 2007; Kolcaba and DiMarco, 2005). This theory emphasizes four aspects of comfort simultaneously: physical; environmental; sociocultural; and psychospiritual. The physical context is related to bodily sensations; the psychospiritual relates to internal awareness and includes self-esteem, perceived meaning of ones life, and identify; the environmental context is related to external experiences, such as temperature and noise; and the sociocultural context relates to the patients interpersonal and social relationships and would include family traditions, religious practices and so on (Comfort Care in Nursing, 2011). The goal is to achieve comfort in each of these areas (Current Nursing, 2011; Kolcaba & DiMarco, 2005). Comfort is described as a state of ease and quiet enjoyment and/or the lessening of pain and grief. It is a holistic approach to nursing because it focuses on strengthening these ...

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