Sample Essay on:
Codebook for Social Research and a Research Prospectus for Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Among African Americans

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 10 page paper provides an overview of a codebook that pertains to the topic of cardiovascular disease and then outlines a prospectus for CVD. Bibliography lists 10 sources.

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10 pages (~225 words per page)

File: MH11_MHCVAfAmproposal.rtf

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44-50 4. 51-62 5. 63-74 6. 75-87 7. 88 and over 8. Unidentified age. EDULEVEL (Response to "Select the highest educational level achieved"). 1. No formal education. 2. Completed middle school. 3. Attended but did not complete high school. 4. Completed high school. 5. Attended but did not complete college/university. 6. Completed a 2-year program with diploma or a trade school. 7. Completed a 4-year program with diploma. 8. Attended but did not complete graduate school. 9. Completed one or more graduate degree programs. 10. Completed one or more doctoral degree programs. MARITALSTAT 1. Single, never married. 2. Married 3. Separated 4. Divorced 5. Widowed DRVISIT (Response to "Select the highest number of visits to the doctor each year") 1. less than 1 2. 1-3 3. 3-6 4. 7-10 5. 11-14 7. 15-18 8. 19-22 9. 22-25 10. more than 26 HEALTH (Response to "How would you rate your general health?" a Likert Scale question) 1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Average 4. Below Average 5. Poor INDUCTIVE AND DEDUCTIVE CODING Inductive coding, which is represented most by the more open questions regarding the response to questions about general health, are based on qualitative data or self-assessments, those that are not defined by quantitative descriptors. The deductive coding in the above codebook reference the quantitative elements, including the demographics and numbers reflecting visits to the doctor each year. In this study, value can be derived from the use of both inductive and deductive coding, ...

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