Sample Essay on:
Clinical Leadership Project

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

This 5 page paper provides an overview of a project for a nurse leader-manager. This paper outlines some of the central points of the project and how it will be applied. Bibliography lists 4 sources.

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5 pages (~225 words per page)

File: MH11_MHnurslead2.rtf

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Introduction The increasingly complex nursing environment and growing requirements for the use of technologies have created distinct problems in regards to staffing in healthcare environments. Burnout is a growing problem for nurses, and the lack of methods for addressing this problem has exacerbated the existing nursing shortage in this country. The Problem The American Nurses Association (ANA) (2009) argued that emerging staffing requirements and the growing concern for qualified nurses have impacted the views of the profession. The ANA conducted a nationwide poll and found that nursing shortages in the hospital setting were often the result of a lack of safety and the belief that understaffing created dangerous conditions. The ANA surveyed 10,000 nurses and found the following outcomes: * 73% of nurses asked dont believe the staffing on their unit or shift is sufficient. * 59.8% of those asked said they knew of someone who left direct care nursing due to concerns about safe staffing. * Of the 51.9% of respondents who are considering leaving their current position, 46% cite inadequate staffing as the reason. * 51.7% of respondents said they thought the quality of nursing care on their unit has declined in the last year * 48.2% would not feel confident having someone close to them receiving care in the facility where they work (ANA, 2009). Though nurses readily recognize that staffing has a tremendous impact on the quality of care and patient outcomes, there continues to be a belief that ineffective nurse staffing fosters poor conditions in which burnout readily occurs (ANA, 2009). Nurses jobs frequently are specified as being sources of chronic, ongoing stress. Cohen-Mansfield (1995) reviewed work-related stressors in nursing and ...

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