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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper takes a look at classroom management problems and how teachers can circumvent them. Bibliography lists 7 sources.
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when she helps someone else. Some believe that they are born teachers. Yet, no matter what their intentions, many teachers experience burnout quite quickly. Usually, by the third year of
teaching, instructors are just not as enthusiastic anymore. Why? Classroom management problems sometimes emerge, making even the most dedicated teacher wonder about the profession. At the same time, it should
be said that some new teachers take to the occupation quite readily. They love the classroom and they show leadership right away. While many techniques can be learned, effective leadership
is something that goes a long way to keep order in the classroom. Some teachers know the secrets of classroom management. It comes naturally to them. As Caesar Millan (2007)
explains in his dog training book, leaders must show their dogs a calm assertive demeanor. Otherwise, the dog will become the boss. Similarly, in the classroom, children can get the
better of the teacher by misbehaving. Even one child who is out of control can hurt the classroom for the entire year. What are some effective techniques for classroom management?
What can teachers do to manage classrooms efficiently? A Gallup poll for three consecutive years noted that people believe that discipline is the biggest problem in classrooms today (Tauber, 1999).
Indeed, Charles notes that keeping order in the classroom is one of the teachers most important duties (Tauber, 1999). When it comes to classroom management, there are many theories, but
there is no one best way to run a classroom (Tauber, 1999). In fact, many different teaching techniques come into play and it is up to the teacher to employ
individual organizational strategies to manage the classroom. What Tauber (1999) notes is that if a teacher is using an effective classroom management strategy, it will work with most students most