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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
A 5 page research paper that examines the area of discipline in classroom management. This paper particularly addresses the strategies promoted by Lee and Marlene Canter in their book on assertive discipline techniques for classroom situations. Like many other professionals, the Canter stress the use of pre-intervention strategies and several of these techniques are discussed. Bibliography lists 4 sources.
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teachers also report that they receive little preparation for this area of classroom management in their training (Tulley; Chiu, 1995). In the meantime, the problems continue to escalate. Teachers across
the country are growing increasingly frustrated and fearful. These teachers are afraid that a few violent students, who are intent on causing chaos (Wright, 1997), will turn their classrooms and
schools into battlefields. Incidents of violence have escalated (Wright, 1997). Clearly new courses of action have to be taken. In their book, Assertive Discipline, Positive Behavior, educational consultants Lee
and Marlene Canter offer teachers key strategies in classroom management. The Canters have been improving the professional skills of educators since 1973 and many of Lee Canters books have been
incorporated into graduate education courses studies at major universities nationwide. The approach outlined by the Canters involves developing a close relationship with ones students that conveys the teachers caring
and understanding. For example, they advocate greeting each student at the door as they come into the classroom with a warm welcome, calling students when they are home sick and
attending student events outside of the classroom. Using this caring basis as a foundation, they stress that students, these days, have to be taught how to behave. Teachers have
to assume that students do not know the basics of good behavior?how to walk into a classroom, get on task, transition from one task to another, and how to work
in cooperative groups. Their approach stresses that one of the best ways to prevent behavior problems within a classroom environment is to teach proper behavior from the beginning of the
school year. This involves making sure that all students know exactly what is expected of them before beginning an activity. A good way to accomplish this is to have