Sample Essay on:
Classical Conditioning

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

4 pages in length. Human behavior –- and in fact behavior of the entire animal kingdom as well –- is based within a foundation of positive and negative motivational factors. Circus animals in particular are trained with fear; if they fail to perform the required behavior, they are beaten, sent to isolation or have food withheld. Human children who are taught that inappropriate behavior will bring about a spanking learn to fear their parents' painful reaction if they do even one insignificant thing wrong. This embeds overall intimidation to try anything for fear of it being wrong and they incur punishment. The positive reinforcement of classical conditioning is a much more effective way to elicit the desired behavior while at the same time bolsters the child/animal's sense of self-accomplishment. Bibliography lists 2 sources.

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fail to perform the required behavior, they are beaten, sent to isolation or have food withheld. Human children who are taught that inappropriate behavior will bring about a spanking learn to fear their parents painful reaction if they do even one insignificant thing wrong. This embeds overall intimidation to try anything for fear of it being wrong and they incur punishment. The positive reinforcement of classical conditioning is a much more effective way to elicit the desired behavior while at the same time bolsters the child/animals sense of self-accomplishment. Ivan Pavlovs classical conditioning has served to illustrate how external stimuli influences behavior by way of repetitive action. Accomplished purely by accident when Pavlov was analyzing digestion, stomach function and salivation, his approach to classical conditioning was formulated when he noticed how closely connected this physiological component was with the psychological response. As such, Pavlov (2003) utilized a bell, food and experimental dogs to further prove his point: When the bell was rung, the dogs received food; after continued bell ringing and food distribution, the dogs salivated merely at the sound of the bell, even if no food was dispersed, rendering a conditioned response to a conditioned stimulus. However, the psychological response of salivating did not occur if, after several times of hearing the bell, the dogs were not rewarded with food (Standridge, 2002). In assuming that human behavior is learned, behaviorists also hold that all behaviors can also be unlearned, and replaced by new behaviors; that is, when a behavior becomes unacceptable, it can be replaced by an acceptable one. A key element to this theory of learning is the rewarded response. The desired response must be rewarded in order for learning to ...

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