Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Civil War - Northern And Southern Perspectives. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 14 page paper begins with a general introduction and identifies the arguments to be made in the essay and how those arguments will be supported. The causes of the Civil War are explained from each perspective – the North and the South. It is pointed out that slavery was not an issue until later in the conflict. This section also discusses why resentment had been building up between the North and the South for some years. The next section talks about women, some of whom disguised themselves as men to fight in their respective armies, others were openly working with their army, some were spies. Examples are included. The last section is entitled From Their Own Mouths and reports selected notes in the diaries of two women, one from the South and one from the North. The writer concludes by commenting on the fact that emotions are the same, regardless of which side one is on. 1 Table included. Bibliography lists 8 sources.
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14 pages (~225 words per page)
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the case with the American Civil War. The Southern perspective had to do with their right to secede and their reasons for this action were political, economic, and emotional. The
Northern perspective had to do with retaining the unification of the states and later, with slavery. This essay argues that perspectives of the North and the South were vastly
different in terms of the reasons for war. It also proposes that regardless of which side one is on, the same emotions are felt. The essay goes about
supporting the premises by with articles and papers that identify the reasons each side believed they were right and by presenting some selections from two diaries - one from a
Northern woman and one from a Southern teenage woman. The typical argument / counter-argument style of argumentation is inferred by presenting the beliefs of each side. One of the interesting
things about the Civil War is that the specifics that acted as catalysts were not actually debated. In fact, with the exception of slavery, which emerged as an issue later,
they were not addressed at all. While the South voiced their objections and concerns regarding the tariff issue and the shift in power in the federal government, the North did
not directly address these issues. There were no talks. There were no debates. There were no petitions. These elements were all included in the Revolutionary War but not in the
Civil War. One can only present the issues of concern and controversy on each side because the players did not have any type of debate nor was there any type
of attempt at resolution. Causes of the Civil War Well more than a century after the end of the Civil War in America, debate continues regarding the