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A 3 page research paper that discusses how Christian belief can shape nursing practice. Bibliography lists 3 sources.
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to show that you care by providing a high level of nursing care in a loving manner. Consulting scripture, Johns Gospel relates how Jesus traveled to Jerusalem and while there
came near a pool around which were group a number of disabled people, "the blind, the lame, the paralyzed" (John 5:3 NIV). When Jesus learned that a paralyzed man had
lain suffering next to the pool, unable to enter its healing waters, he told him to pick his mat and walk, which the man did as he was completely cured.
This scriptural passage implies that there is a moral obligation to help people get to the pool, that is, to provide the means by which people can be healed
and helped. This wrier/tutor imagine that the lesson of this passage does not fundamentally change the attitude of the student, as the student is presumed to be a caring, compassionate
person from the onset, but it may alter it somewhat in that the clear implication is that the goal of care should not simply be to help the disabled do
what they cannot do for themselves, but also to empower them to obtain the means for self-care. As this suggests, how nursing is approached is shaped and molded by the
beliefs and worldview of the nurse. Salladay (2006) in her review of A Christian Vision of Nursing Practice by Mary M. Doornbos, Ruth E. Groenhout, and Rendra G. Hotz,
cited these authors as arguing that: shapes our character as moral agents.. .Christian ethics is concerned not only with what we do but also with who we are.
Awareness of God as our loving Creator...evokes in us senses of dependence and gratitude, and these senses shape the sorts of persons we become and the reasons of the mind