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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 3 page paper determines and evaluates the key elements that a Media Planner would have to consider when faced with the task of selecting primary and secondary media for the launch of a new city health and fitness club. The bibliography cites 2 sources.
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and marketing. If we consider the development of a new health and fitness club in a city the media planner will have many consideration when they determine which are the
most suited forms of media for the launch, looking at the both the primary and secondary choices. There are several different factors that need to be considered. The message may
be interesting to a range of people, but this also needs to be communicated in the most effective manner to those who are most likely to want to use the
facilities. This is known as the target market (Kotler, 2003). To plan the media we first need to identify the target market and then decide which forms of media
are most likely to be seen or heard by the target market. We will make some assumptions here. If we look at the health club the majority of users are
likely to be between the ages of 18 - 45. There are also likely to be both male and female users. Different users may use the facilities at different items,
for example, housewives and the unemployed may be attracted during the day and office workers may be attracted during lunch times and after work. This alone is no sufficient to
determine the target market and as such the media that can be used. If we look more closely at the type of facility this may also indicate the type
of target market they are aiming at. If this is an executive health club with high membership fees then the target market are likely to be those who are in
work or have an above average income. If we assume this is an executive health club the media message needs to reach and appeal to this market and transmit a