Here is the synopsis of our sample research paper on Chile as a Potential Market for Tesco. Have the paper e-mailed to you 24/7/365.
Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 11 page paper looks at Chile as a potential destination for expansion for a large supermarket chain looking to enter Latin America. The potential of the market as well as barriers and current condition of the market are all considered as well as the way that the UK supermarket chain Tesco may be able to fit into the market. The bibliography cites 16 sources.
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11 pages (~225 words per page)
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has also adopted a growth strategy looking to international market; the firm now has a presence, not always under the Tesco name, in many countries, including Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Hungary,
The Czech Republic, Korea, Poland, Sovakia and Turkey. The firm has also entered the US market under the name Fresh and Go, but this is a market that is not
yet profitable and is taking time to develop, which is partly put down to the poor economic conditions that have emerged since the entrance into that market (MMR, 2009). One
market that may have a great deal of potential is Chile. If Tesco want to finds a new market to enter then it has to be a market that
is possible to develop within the current market condition using the competences that they have. It may be argued that the US market is particularly difficult to enter, there are
many competitors and the mature stage of the supermarket industry has seen the firm seeking to develop a new format to find a gap in the market. When looking at
a potential market there needs to be a consideration of the way that Tesco maybe able to fit into that market, using the existing core competences.
Tesco in the UK has been able to compete with two competitive advantages, the ability to gain from the economies of scale, gving it the cost
advantage as defined by Porter as well as differentiation (Porter, 1985). The use of a loyalty scheme that has also been used to generate competitive market intelligence to allow the
firm to adapt and ensure that the firm is meeting customer needs, this ability to collect and process data is a very short period of time makes the firm highly