Sample Essay on:
Child Development Theories

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Essay / Research Paper Abstract

A 7 page paper that briefly describes several child development theories including the psychoanalytic perspective, behaviorism, social learning theory, Piaget, ethology and evolutionary, ecological systems theory, dynamic systems, Vygotsky’s socio-cultural and Erikson. Bibliography lists 13 sources.

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7 pages (~225 words per page)

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and what the society demands of its citizens (Pearson Education, 2010). The psychoanalytic perspective is based on Freuds work, particularly his stages of psychosexual development. Freuds three parts of anyones personality is important. These are the id, which is unconscious and which represents biological drives; the ego, which is a conscious sense of oneself and which curbs the ids natural base desires; and the superego, which is the part that monitors the ego and is basically the part that tells a person if something is right or wrong (Rathus, 2008). Freuds five stages of psychosexual development are the oral, anal, phallic, latency that genital stages. Infants can grow up fixated on one of these stages if the needs of that stage are not met. For instance, if the child is weaned from breast feeding or bottle feeding too soon, they can become fixated in the oral stage (Rathus, 2008). Freuds theories of development have experienced a great deal of criticism but they still provide some useful information. Nonetheless, one of his disciples and friends, Erik Erikson believed Freud concentrated too much on basic instincts and drives and pulled away from him developing their own theories. Behaviorism and Social Learning Theory Social learning theory stresses observing and modeling in development. this includes observing emotions, behaviors, emotional reactions and attitudes. Thus, learning occurs from observing and modeling what has been observed. This theory emphasizes learning in a social context and argues that the learner is influenced by cognitive and environmental factors (University of South Alabama, 2010). Bandura is the major theorist for this theory but others, such as Vygotsky, also focused on the social context for learning and development. The behaviorist theory proposes that a child s born like a blank slate and learns through experiences. Parents and teachers ...

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