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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 6 page paper provides information on the greater risks for special needs children in relation to physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Child abuse and neglect is defined and explored. Several studies are cited showing that special needs children are more at risk for child abuse than other children. Bibliography lists 6 sources.
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6 pages (~225 words per page)
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Brink (1998) reported that she listened to a conversation on the air in respect to Kentucky and the poverty pockets of the American Cumberland Plateau (1998). The speakers spoke about
a community, describing incest and child abuse of the most horrid type (1998). Such abuses were culturally patterned and sanctioned (1998). It was noted that the rest of the world
was not unaware of these goings on but simply left the community alone (1998). The school system, police, social workers, medial staff and judges were all aware and did nothing
(1998). This story published in a nursing journal expresses the idea of cultural relativity. While the article did by no means say that society should stand by, abuse
around the world does sometimes happen as a part of a cultural tradition or pattern. Sometimes it erupts due to abject poverty where child prostitution and child labor become the
norm. However, in Western civilization in a very general sense, child abuse is recognizable and comes in a variety of forms. There
is physical, emotional and sexual abuse and each is destructive in its own right. While emotional abuse can perhaps only scar a child psychologically, that child will go on and
perpetuate certain undesirable behavior patterns. Physical abuse can kill, and has. Some abusive parents have been responsible for their own childrens deaths when they took corporal punishment too far. Sexual
abuse can destroy a child both physically and emotionally, and sometimes leads to murder due to its secretive nature. Child abuse can also lead to the creation of a slew
of problems in children, from poor academic performance and socialization to a barrage of physical ailments and cognitive disabilities (Cates & Markell, 1995). In order to understand how to prevent