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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 10 page paper provides an overview of chat rooms, its history and how to chat. Various types are noted. The mechanics of chatting are relayed. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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but they arose quite gradually after the inception of the Internet. Actually, it is hard to envision a chat room. After all, it is not really a room and people
do not verbally discuss things. The term chatting has a new meaning because in the context of the "chat room" it really just involves typing. Also, new lingo is used
and abbreviations are quite common. For example, someone might type BRB to signify "be right back" or they will enter emoticons to express themselves further. Emoticons are little pictures, usually
made with the key pad using ordinary letters or punctuation, but sometimes clip art is implemented. The most common emoticon is the happy face and there are many of these
things sometimes referred to as smileys. There are different versions of this and many different emotions that are expressed in the chat room. It is difficult in chat rooms to
truly express ones self, but if one gets used to the protocol, it becomes second nature. Of course, the use of emoticons are for more than a cursory purpose.
What happens is that sometimes someone will type a statement that does not come across as it might in real life. In other words, one can type something but without
the proper inflection or tone in the voice another individual will not be able to discern the intent of the phrase (Lehman). One example provided by Leman is that someone
might type "Thanks a lot pal" and that could be meant in a sarcastic way, or in a serious way. In addition to emoticons, other common bracketed information is added
such as . This is similar to stage directions in a script where the script contains something like (crying) to denote the that actor is supposed to cry. When chatting,