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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper considers the collaborative design work of
Charles and Ray Eames, who throughout their careers aimed to deliver affordable, well-designed, and high quality products. Bibliography lists 5 sources.
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4 pages (~225 words per page)
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Charles Eames and his wife, Ray, would be in a spot of honor -- perhaps relaxing in their famous black leather and rose-wood swivel chair. Designs by the Eames changed
the way Americans thought about and used furniture. In the 1920s and 30s, only the wealthy could have well-designed furniture. The ideas of Bauhaus - where form followed function -
were only marginally realized. Good design for mass consumption really didnt come into its own until after World War II. Recognizing that need
is a primary condition for design, the Eames created affordable furniture for the everyday person. The fact that the furniture they designed in the 1940s is still in
production would certainly indicate they indeed succeeded in their goal (Hertenstein 17). In design circles, the name "Eames" is more or less inseparable
from the word "chair". Between 1945-55, the Eames Office in Los Angeles produced a range of seating systems which - in the words of the Washington Post - "changed the
way the 20th century sat down." Perhaps their best-known piece is the simple plywood chair that evolved from a splint they developed for the Navy during World War II. From
the technique of molding plywood in compound curves evolved the two-piece plywood chair unveiled at The Museum of Modern Art in 1946. The
Eames chair introduced to the American spirit the idea of mass- production chic. The Eames Office - its products made of bent plywood or wire mesh, with such paradoxically utilitarian
names as "DCM" (Dining Chair Metal) and "DCW" (Dining Chair Wood) - was able to harness America s post-war craving for the modern and new to its spending power (Darwent