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Essay / Research Paper Abstract
This 4 page paper provides an overview of a plan for behavior change, including changing diet and exercise. This paper includes all of the following components: progress made, barriers encountered, strategies used to overcome them, motivational factors, social support, reactions to the change process, satisfaction with results, and plan to maintain behavior change in the future.
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problems increases with age. My goal of changing my eating habits to improve nutrition and reduce my weight was based on the fact that my body mass index was
higher than average and reduction in weight will improve my overall health. My goal was to implement a plan of dietary changes and exercise in order to maintain
a healthy weight for my height, or appropriate body mass index for my age. This included dietary changes as well as the introduction of structure exercise three times per
week. In order to assess progress made, I measured my weight prior to the implementation of the exercise plan and then each week afar the completion of the three
periods of exercise each week. In addition, I also determined the need to eat smaller meals by applying portion control, as well as increasing my intake of fresh fruits
and vegetables, especially fruits and vegetables that are dark in color (e.g. dark green vegetables, red, purple and blue fruits). Eating a balanced diet of whole grains and fresh
fruits and vegetables along with lean meats and fish was an essential component of the plan. Progress Made During the initial period of the program, I began to
implement changes in my diet in stages, first by introducing portion control and later by introducing more fresh fruits and vegetables. I also enrolled and GYM Club and began
going to the gym two or three times per week. Two of the biggest challenges related to these changes were the grocery shopping time needed to access different foods (rather
than eating fast foods) and the time needed to participate in gym activities. Barriers and Strategies The barriers that I encountered were that I had limited knowledge about